Destroying Satanic Altars
Welcome to the Destroying Satanic Altars page of Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc. Here, we offer spiritual guidance and deliverance sessions to help individuals break free from the influence of satanic altars and reclaim their spiritual freedom.

Understanding Satanic Altars
Satanic altars are spiritual platforms used for demonic rituals and sacrifices to manipulate and control individuals and communities. These altars are points of covenant where agreements with dark forces are made, leading to oppression and spiritual bondage.
Signs of Satanic Altars Operating Against You
- Recurring patterns of failure and setbacks.
- Sudden and unexplained health issues.
- Family cycles of poverty, divorce, or premature death.
- Unexplainable fear, torment, or spiritual attacks.
- Dreams of altars, blood, or rituals.
Steps to Destroy Satanic Altars
1. Repentance and Surrender to God
- Acknowledge and confess any known or unknown sins that may have opened doors to demonic altars.
- Renounce any personal or ancestral covenants with darkness.
- Prayer: “Lord, I repent of any sins in my life or lineage that have empowered satanic altars against me. I surrender fully to You in the name of Yahweh.”
2. Engage the Power of the Blood of Yahshua
- The blood of Yahshua (Jesus) is a powerful weapon for nullifying evil sacrifices and breaking covenants.
- Prayer: “By the blood of Yahshua, I nullify every sacrifice, covenant, and agreement made on satanic altars against me!”
3. Call Down the Fire of God
- Fire symbolizes Yahweh's judgment and is a key tool in dismantling evil altars.
- Prayer: “O God, arise and let Your consuming fire destroy every satanic altar erected against me, my family, and my destiny!”
4. Break Evil Covenants and Connections
- Declare that you are no longer bound to any altar through sacrifices, oaths, or rituals.
- Prayer: “I break every covenant connecting me to satanic altars by the power in the name of Yahweh!”
5. Send Confusion into the Camp of the Enemy
- Pray for confusion to scatter those maintaining or reinforcing evil altars.
- Prayer: “Father, let confusion arise in the camp of those who uphold these altars, and let their plans fail in Yahweh’s name!”
6. Rebuild God’s Altar in Your Life
- Commit to worshiping Yahweh in spirit and truth, establishing an altar of prayer and devotion.
- Prayer: “Lord, establish Your altar in my life. Let my heart be a place of worship and sacrifice unto You alone.”

Breaking the Chains of Oppression
At Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc, we specialize in destroying satanic altars through prophetic worship services and spiritual counseling. Our deliverance sessions are designed to break demonic covenants and empower individuals to walk in spiritual freedom.
- Exodus 34:13: "Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, and cut down their Asherah poles."
- Judges 6:25-26: Gideon destroyed the altar of Baal under God's instruction.
- Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper."
- 1 Kings 18:38: "Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice."
- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5: "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."
40 Aggressive Prayer Points to Destroy Satanic Altars
Father, I thank You for the power in Your name to destroy satanic altars.
Every altar speaking against my destiny, be silenced now by the blood of Yahshua!
O God, arise and send Your fire to consume every satanic altar in my life, in Yahweh’s name!
I command every evil priest ministering at satanic altars against me to be dethroned now!
Altars of delay and stagnation, catch fire and be destroyed, in the name of Yahweh!
Every blood sacrifice empowering satanic altars against me, be neutralized by the blood of Yahshua!
I release the fire of Yahweh upon altars of sickness and infirmity working against me.
Altars of poverty in my family, crumble now by fire, in the name of Yahweh!
I break every covenant connecting me to any ancestral altar, in Yahweh’s name!
O God, arise and let the thunder of heaven scatter every evil altar raised against me!
Let every power fueling satanic altars in my life perish by fire, in Yahweh’s name!
I nullify the effects of every incantation and ritual performed on evil altars against me.
Every altar of witchcraft manipulating my destiny, be uprooted now!
By the power of Yahweh, I reclaim all blessings stolen through satanic altars.
Let the blood of Yahshua speak against every altar of affliction in my life.
Father, let Your angels dismantle every spiritual altar fighting my breakthrough.
Altars of marital delay, be destroyed now by fire, in Yahweh’s name!
I scatter every assembly gathered around satanic altars against me.
Let the ground open and swallow every evil altar established in my foundation!
O Lord, release Your hammer of judgment to shatter every altar of oppression in my life.
Altars of death and destruction targeting my family, be nullified in the name of Yahweh!
I command every altar in the water, forest, or air fighting me to be consumed by fire!
Let every demonic priest invoking my name on satanic altars fall and perish now!
Altars of barrenness in my life, break by the blood of Yahshua!
Father, let Your fire purge my land, home, and family of every evil altar.
I cancel every evil handwriting programmed into my life through satanic altars.
O Lord, establish Your covenant of peace and prosperity in my life.
Let the voice of Yahweh thunder against every satanic altar enforcing failure in my life!
I release the blood of Yahshua to nullify every evil altar fighting my health.
Father, let the sword of the Spirit cut down every tree supporting satanic altars against me.
I uproot every satanic altar planted in my dream life, in Yahweh’s name!
Let the fire of Yahweh consume altars of generational curses in my family line.
I reject and renounce every dedication made on satanic altars on my behalf.
Altars of monitoring spirits watching over my progress, be destroyed by fire!
Let every hidden altar operating in secrecy against me be exposed and shattered!
Father, let Your power reverse every curse issued from satanic altars.
I declare that I am delivered from the influence of every satanic altar, in Yahweh’s name!
Altars of failure at the edge of success, catch fire now, in Yahweh’s name!
By the authority of Yahweh, I claim total victory over satanic altars!
Thank You, Yahweh, for delivering me from the grip of satanic altars forever! Pray aggressively with faith and watch Yahweh’s power destroy every satanic altar operating against your life!

Empowering Individuals Through Spiritual Warfare
By partnering with us, you can learn how to identify and dismantle satanic altars in your life and community. Join us in prayer and worship as we engage in spiritual warfare to destroy the works of darkness and set captives free.

Ready to Break Free?
Contact Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc today to schedule a deliverance session and start your journey towards spiritual freedom.