Idol Siege Attacks and Deliverance

Welcome to the Idol Siege Attacks and Deliverance page at Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc. Here, we offer spiritual deliverance sessions, ancestral healing workshops, and prophetic worship gatherings to help individuals break free from the siege of idols and ancestral spirits.

Understanding Idol Siege Attacks

Idol siege attacks refer to the spiritual oppression and bondage caused by the worship of false gods, idols, or ancestral spirits. These attacks can manifest in various forms, such as emotional turmoil, physical ailments, and relational issues. It is crucial to identify and renounce any involvement in idolatry to break free from these attacks.

What Are Idols and Ancestral Spirits?

1. Idols

In a biblical and spiritual context, idols refer to any physical object, image, idea, or entity that is worshipped or revered as a god or deity in place of the true God. Idols can take various forms, such as statues, objects, or even abstract things like power, money, or fame.

Biblical References to Idols:

  • Exodus 20:3-4: "You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."
  • Isaiah 44:9: "All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless."

Idolatry is condemned in the Bible because it detracts from the worship and reverence due to God alone.

2. Ancestral Spirits

Ancestral spirits refer to spiritual entities believed to be the spirits of deceased ancestors. In many cultural and traditional belief systems, it is thought that these spirits can influence the lives of the living, providing blessings, protection, or, in some cases, curses.

In a biblical context, any interaction with ancestral spirits is considered contrary to God's will, as it often involves practices such as necromancy (attempting to communicate with the dead) or consulting mediums, which are explicitly forbidden.

Biblical References to Ancestral Spirits:

  • Leviticus 19:31: "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."
  • Deuteronomy 18:10-12: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead."

Key Issues with Ancestral Spirits:

  • Deception: These spirits are often believed to be demonic entities masquerading as ancestors to lead people away from God.
  • Bondage: Many people feel spiritually trapped, obligated to perform rituals or sacrifices to appease these spirits.
  • Curses: Ancestral spirits may be linked to generational curses, causing ongoing struggles in families.
  • Key Differences Between Idols and Ancestral Spirits Aspect Idols Ancestral Spirits Nature Physical objects or ideas worshipped as gods' Spiritual entities, often linked to deceased ancestors Focus Man-made, material symbols Belief in the spirits of the dead influencing the living Biblical Warning Exodus 20:3-4; Isaiah 44:9Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:10-12

Bible Verses for Deliverance

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns against sacrificing children in the fire and practicing witchcraft, divination, or sorcery. These practices open doors to idol siege attacks and spiritual bondage. By aligning with the Word of God and renouncing idolatry, individuals can experience true deliverance and restoration.

  1. In the name of Yeshua, I command every ancestral spirit operating in my life to be bound and cast out!

  2. Every idol that has claimed ownership over my family, release us now by fire in Yeshua’s name!

  3. Blood of Yeshua, cancel every demonic covenant established by my ancestors in the name of Yeshua.

  4. I destroy every evil altar erected against my destiny by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  5. Every ancestral curse operating in my life, break now in Yeshua’s name!

  6. Holy Ghost fire, consume every spirit of idolatry in my family line in Yeshua’s name.

  7. By the blood of Yeshua, I revoke every dedication of my life to ancestral spirits.

  8. Father, let Your fire consume every token or symbol connecting me to idols in Yeshua’s name.

  9. I command all monitoring spirits from my ancestry to be destroyed in Yeshua’s name.

  10. Every inherited affliction from idol worship, be uprooted by the blood of Yeshua.

  11. By the power of Yeshua’s resurrection, I recover all blessings stolen by ancestral spirits.

  12. Let every evil priest invoking my name on an altar receive the judgment of God in Yeshua’s name.

  13. I declare my freedom from ancestral powers enforcing limitations in my life.

  14. Every foundational covenant opposing my destiny, break now in Yeshua’s name!

  15. Father, purify my lineage with the fire of the Holy Spirit and cleanse us from idolatry.

  16. I renounce every name, title, or role linked to ancestral spirits in Yeshua’s name.

  17. By Yeshua’s authority, I silence every voice of accusation from evil altars.

  18. Let the ground reject every sacrifice made on my behalf to idols in Yeshua’s name.

  19. Father, restore unto me the years that ancestral spirits and idols have stolen.

  20. I declare, by the blood of Yeshua, that I am free and untouchable by ancestral spirits!

Final Declaration

In the name of Yeshua, I decree and declare that every siege of idols and ancestral spirits over my life and family is permanently destroyed. I am redeemed by the blood of Yeshua and walk in divine freedom, restoration, and blessings. Amen!"

Ready to break free from idol siege attacks?

Contact Lion of Judah Prophetic Worship Center, Inc. today for spiritual deliverance sessions, ancestral healing workshops, and prophetic worship gatherings.